Throwing and catching is a big focus of physical literacy skills that we work on in kindergarten and grade 1. The students use the word lancer or attraper to reinforce the use of French language acquisition associated with the action.
If you have a ball great if not get creative a stuff animal, a balloon, a cushion, a bean bag, snowball will do.
Practice lancer (throwing) and attraper (catching)
I really like this short explanation of the underhand throw if you want more info click on
Underhand throw technique cues
*If your child is showing good skills at catching, throw to them a bit to the right or to the left, higher or lower to add challenges.
*You can also set up some target for them such as a laundry basket, carboard boxes, a chair to throw over. Be as creative as you can, make it into a game.
*If your child has mastered the underhand switch to overhand throw.
underhand and overhand throw technique
Doing even a few minutes of lancer/ attraper will help your child with hand eye coordination which is useful for so many actions we perform each day such as writing.